Buds blooming, positive temperatures and longer days, etc., if April usually announces the beginning of spring, it is also the month of Parkinson’s disease awareness. An opportunity to cultivate solidarity and to flower, together, hope through the donation of virtual tulips.
Tremors, muscular rigidity, slowness of movements, etc., some symptoms are known, but many aspects of this neurodegenerative disease remain unfortunately unknown. Indeed, behind this multi-faceted disease, there are also, and most importantly, people who have to deal with the disruption of their daily lives. In the Montreal-Laval region, no less than 10,000 people, and as many caregivers, live with the disease.
Together, let’s #FlowerHope with the donation of tulips
To continue to provide them with the services, advice and support they need, Parkinson’s Montreal-Laval is launching #FlowerHope, its virtual tulip donation campaign, on April 1. As was the case last year, due to the current sanitary context, this key campaign for all those affected is back with an adapted formula: from April 1 to 30, 2021, people are invited to donate virtual tulips on the CanadaHelps.org platform by choosing the “Virtual Tulips” tab.
Although the present period is complicated for everyone, it is particularly so for people living with Parkinson’s disease for whom isolation and lack of physical activity can have negative effects on the evolution of the disease. It is therefore essential to be able to maintain activities and continue to support them. So if you can, please donate virtual tulips so that together we can make hope bloom.
Flourishing activities
If the health crisis has somewhat modified the way of doing things, it has luckily not had any impact on the services offered. The month of April will therefore be an opportunity to continue to offer a variety of activities remotely.
In addition to this, Parkinson Montreal-Laval’s recurring activities include support groups, Practice Your Voice workshops, personalized follow-up, etc., as well as a new series of meditation workshops.
Inspiring stories
Throughout the year Parkinson Montreal-Laval has the privilege to meet, support, exchange and share with people living with the disease, caregivers, professionals… All these people are a real strength and a true source of inspiration. In this month of awareness, Parkinson Montreal-Laval wishes to honor them by publishing a story each week. To discover them, stay tuned! They will be available on our website and social networks: